Oxford's Kavli Institute for NanoScience Discovery : All Pages
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- Research Groups
- Professor Elena Seiradake
- Professor Dame Carol Robinson
- Professor Simon Newstead
- Professor Russell G. Foster
- Associate Professor George Tofaris
- Professor Justin Benesch
- Professor Andrew Turberfield
- Professor Philipp Kukura
- Professor Stephen Tucker
- Professor Achillefs Kapanidis
- Professor Matthew Higgins
- Professor Noel Buckley
- Associate Professor Esther Becker
- Dr. Weston Struwe
- Associate Professor Madhavi Krishnan
- Professor Mark W Hankins
- Professor Richard Wade-Martins
- Associate Professor Vladyslav Vyazovskiy
- Professor Simon Draper
- Associate Professor Aarti Jagannath
- Associate Professor Stuart Peirson
- Kavli INsD’s first Research Fellow – Dr Lindsay Baker
- Unravelling molecular mechanisms of mental health
- Wade-Martins Group achieves Silver Award for sustainable practices
- Mabel FitzGerald Prize Lecture 2021: Designing materials to heal the body and detect diseases earlier
- Kavli INsD awarded funding to promote positive research culture
- Kavli INsD Director, Professor Carol Robinson Receives Two Awards
- Royal Society and Wellcome Trust Sir Henry Dale Fellow Dr Dominika Gruszka to join Kavli INsD
- UKRI Future Leaders Fellow Dr Weston Struwe at Kavli INsD
- Academic recognition for Kavli Professors
- Research Exploring the ‘Hidden World’ of Proteins Awarded Major BBSRC Frontier Research Grant
- John Scott Haldane Prize Lecture: Mapping the Human Body One Cell at a Time
- Kavli INsD Director named Fellow of the Biophysical Society
- Research Themes
- Kavli Research and Enterprise Discussions: "The Many Layers of Cognition – and the many disciplines rallying to understand it".
- Antimicrobial Resistance and Microbial Mechanisms
- Kavli Research & Enterprise Discussions Kick off with Talk by Eminent Neuroscientist
- Sherrington Prize Lecture: The cell-adhesion code that underlies the molecular logic of synapse formation
- Brain Health
- Malaria
- Kavli Bulletin March 2022
- Interdepartmental Poster Session for all Post Docs
- 2022 Franklin Institute Awards Ceremony & Dinner
- Infectious Disease
- Publications
- Kavli INsD PI wins Protein Society award
- KAVLI INsD Director's latest Nature publication could offer a new approach to drug discovery
- Kavli INsD PI wins British Biophysical Society Award
- OPDC researchers at KINsD welcome Parkinson’s UK and the Oxford Branch committee
- KINsD post-doctoral researchers present at Interdepartmental Poster Session
- £3.8 million Wellcome Trust Collaborative Award to Oxford Parkinson’s Disease Centre (OPDC)
- Krebs Prize Lecture: Some adventures in hormones, metabolism and behaviour.
- Life Time – New book on body clock science from KINsD PI
- MASS PHOTOMETRY: Symposium and User Meeting
- New Tools for Nanoscience Discovery
- Videos
- Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin Building is officially opened
- Kavli hosts first user symposium for home-grown mass measurement technology
- Frontiers: Native Mass Spectrometry and Single Molecule Imaging
- Four Kavli INsD Research Groups achieve Silver LEAF Award for sustainable practices
- Biological Physics seminar with Dr Alastair Stewart
- Louise Johnson Seminar 2022
- 17th Conference on Methods and Applications in Flourescence
- MRC IAA Tropical Infectious Disease Consortium Annual Symposium 2022
- Biological Physics Seminars 2022 - Willow Coyote-Maestas
- Professor Philipp Kukura
- She is now Professor Esther Becker!
- Richard Wade-Martins
- Building a collaborative research culture at Kavli INsD: We've started small but with impact.
- Kavli Research & Enterprise Discussions (K.R.E.D)
- Mootaz Salman is recognised by premier global society for Neurochemists
- Kavli Research & Enterprise Discussions (K.R.E.D)
- Becky Carlyle is funded by leading dementia research charity to start her own group.
- Genomic Insights into TASK-1 Reveal Functional Roles in Sleep Apnea
- Biological Physics Seminars 2022 - Postdoc Day
- Vladyslav Vyazovskiy: The New Vice President of the European Sleep Research Society
- Biological Physics Seminars 2022 - Jong Hyun Choi
- Biological Physics Seminars 2022 - Matt Higgins
- Biological Physics Seminars 2022: Professor Simon Newstead & Mirjam Kümmerlin
- New Publication from the Seiradake Group: A Sweet Protein Complex Directs Migrating Cells
- Kavli Research & Enterprise Discussions Continued with Two International Scientists
- Simon Newstead appointed as David Phillips Professor of Molecular Biophysics
- Professor Dame Carol Robinson DBE FRS FMedSci FRSC
- Associate Professor Lindsay Baker
- Professor Andrew Baldwin
- Esther Becker
- Justin Benesch
- Richard Berry
- Noel Buckley
- Zameel Cader
- Simon Draper
- Colin A. Espie
- Fifteenth Unither Baruch Blumberg Lecture
- Colin A. Espie
- Russell Foster
- Dominika Gruszka
- Mark Hankins
- Matt Higgins
- Aarti Jagannath
- Achillefs Kapanidis
- Madhavi Krishnan
- Simon Kyle
- Simon Newstead
- Stuart Peirson
- David Ray
- Professor Stephan Rauschenbach
- Mootaz Salman
- Prof Elena Seiradake
- Associate Professor Weston Struwe
- PROFESSOR Kevin Talbot
- PROFESSOR George Tofaris
- Professor Stephen Tucker
- Vladyslav Vyazovskiy
- Prof Nicole Zitzmann
- Professor Andrew Turberfield
- LRRK2 kinase in Parkinson’s disease: from single molecule to the brain
- Kavli Foundation, U.S.A Drops in for Afternoon Tea and Attends Our Post-Doctoral 3-Minute Research Presentations
- New Publication: "GPR97 triggers inflammatory processes in human neutrophils via a macromolecular complex upstream of PAR2 activation"
- Oxford Parkinson’s Research Day 2022
- Kavli INsD researchers and academics discuss ways to embed a culture of inclusivity and interdisciplinary collaboration
- Dr Brent Ryan
- Linlin Zhang has been awarded the Newton International Fellowship (NIF)
- Kavli Research & Enterprise Discussions (K.R.E.D)
- New paper from Kavli INsD Researchers in collaboration with Oxford’s Department of Biochemistry, UCL and the Rosalind Franklin Institute
- Becky Carlyle
- DPAG Lab Technician Mark Selwood has been chosen to represent Great Britain and Northern Ireland at the World Transplant Games
- Kavli Award Lecture 2022 - Demis Hassabis
- New study shows clinical symptoms for Alzheimer’s can be predicted in preclinical models
- Kavli PI Elena Seiradake co-organised the EMBO Workshop on Molecular Neurobiology
- Kavli Director's New Publication Demonstrates That Native MS Can Be Used to Reconnect the Two Drivers of Pharmacology, Binding & Function
- Innovation
- Oxford Parkinson’s Disease Centre host the 2022 Oxford Parkinson’s Research Day
- Demis Hassabis Visited Kavli INsD for the Kavli Oxford Lecture Award 2022
- Kavli INsD Post-Doctoral Researchers Meet for a Third Round of 3-minute Research Presentations
- Subscribe to Kavli INsD Newsletter
- Kavli Research & Enterprise Discussions (K.R.E.D)
- Biological Physics Seminars 2023: Ard Louis & Casey Adam
- Biological Physics Seminars 2023: Philipp Holliger & Seham Helmi
- Biological Physics Seminars 2023: Sonia Contera & Alison Farrar
- Biological Physics Seminars 2023: Erik Schäffer & Robert Ishmukametov
- Equality and Diversity Statement
- Labour MP Chi Onwurah visits the Kavli INsD
- Kavli Research & Enterprise Discussions (K.R.E.D) by NIH Distinguished Investigator Adriaan Bax
- Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Circadian Clock Entrainment
- Sleep and Circadian Neuroscience Institute Prize Medal Lecture - Dr Anna Wirz-Justice
- Why NMR? An integrative structural biology approach to understand functional mechanisms in biological complexes
- DPAG Head of Department Seminar Series
- Matt Higgins Appointed as Inaugural EP Abraham Professor of Structural Biology
- Charmaine Lang's Inaugural Fellowship Paves Path for Enhanced Human Models in Parkinson's Drug Development
- Infection Inspection Launching on Zooniverse February 7
- Protein Folding on Ribosome
- Native Mass Spectrometry for Structural Biology
- Kavli INsD Kickstarts 2023 with Popular 3-Minute Research Presentations to Underpin Inter-Disciplinary Research Culture
- The Importance of Sleep - Kavli INsD and SCNi Participate in Building Wide Wellbeing Event
- Professor Dame Carol Robinson Received 2023 ASMS John.B.Fenn Award
- Professor Molly Stevens Joins Kavli Oxford and DPAG
- Stefano Pagliara: "Understanding the regulation of membranes in life and disease"
- Kavli Research & Enterprise Discussions (K.R.E.D)
- Dream Chemistry Award Winner Yujia Qing Gives Fascinating Lecture on Nanopore Chemistry for Single-Molecule Proteomics
- Vladyslav Vyazovskiy gave a TEDx Talk on "Can humans hibernate?"
- Dr Charmaine Lang
- ERC Advanced Grant to our Director Professor Dame Carol Robinson
- Aquaporin Water Channels — From Atomic Structure to Clinical Medicine
- Renowned Scientist Wolfgang Baumeister Presents Public Lecture on Cryo-Electron Tomography
- Biophysics Seminar 2023
- Alzheimer’s Research UK Visited the Carlyle and Wade-Martins Labs
- Kavli INsD Researchers and Academics Meet for the 2nd Kavli Culture Away Day
- Wellcome Trust Discovery Award to Kavli PI, Professor Elena Seiradake
- Wellcome Trust Discovery Award to Kavli PI Professor Achillefs Kapanidis
- Mark Selwood makes a medal winning appearance at the World Transplant Games
- Fellowship to Hugo Fernandes Paves the Way to Improved Treatment Options for Dementia
- Kavli Research & Enterprise Discussions (K.R.E.D)
- Biophysics Seminar
- Dr Hugo Fernandes
- Works in Progess - Extracellular Vesicle
- Molly Stevens
- Biological Physics Seminars 2023: Dr Nora Martin
- Kavli Research & Enterprise Discussions (K.R.E.D)
- Fellowship to Jose Prius Mengual Paves the Way to New Genetic Therapy for Epilepsy
- Kavli INsD Professor Colin Espie Elected as a Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences
- Sir Hans Krebs Prize Lecture: Metabolic Regulation of Insulin Secretion in Health and Disease
- Sian Wilcox Awarded Goodger and Schorstein Scholarship
- Kavli Research & Enterprise Discussions (K.R.E.D)
- Carol Robinson Inducted into Prestigious American Philosophical Society (APS) for 2023
- Kavli Institute for Nanoscience Discovery Celebrates Professor Simon Newstead's Lab for Receiving Silver LEAF Award
- Neuroscience and Metabolism Guest Speaker
- At what price do we publish?
- Professor Molly Stevens Shortlisted for Major Engineering Research Prize
- Find out how the University of Oxford will achieve net zero, and what you can do to contribute
- Beyond “One disease at a time”: Therapeutic platforms for rare monogenic disease
- Wade-Martins Group attain Gold Sustainability Award
- Closing the Term with Inspiring Insights: KRED Talks Showcase Leading Researchers and Cutting-Edge Topics
- List
- Next Generation Biomaterials
- Kavli INsD Researchers Conclude 2023 Academic Year with Inspiring 3-Minute Research Presentations, Fostering Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Advancing Nanoscience
- Kavli INsD Researchers Inspire Local Children at Second Science in the Park Event Hosted by DPAG and Biochemistry
- Dominika Gruszka Awarded 2023 Vallee Scholarship for Outstanding Research
- Kavli Celebrates Two of its PIs Becoming Professors
- Inaugural Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin Lecture: Professor Eva Nogales De La Morena
- Emily Carroll Receives MND Association Pre-Fellowship to Pave the Way for MND Breakthroughs
- Carla Kirschbaum Awarded Leopoldina Fellowship for Innovative Lipid-Protein Research
- Kavli Institute Researchers Secure Equipment Funding for Groundbreaking Cellular and Biomolecular Analysis
- Announcing the Kavli Foundation Scholar Award for Graduate Study in Physiology, Anatomy, and Genetics at the Kavli Institute for Nanoscience Discovery, University of Oxford
- Oxford Mosaic Accessibility Statement
- Honoring Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin: Inaugural Lecture Explores Cutting-Edge Cryo-Electron Microscopy
- K.R.E.D: New insights into the regulation of the CNS water channel aquaporin-4: from cell biology to clinical trials
- OptiViVax, A New International Collaboration to Optimise a Vaccine for Plasmodium Vivax Malaria
- Kavli Institute's First Kavli Fellow Lindsay Baker Appointed as Associate Professor in Biochemistry
- Professor David Ray to Lead Oxford Centre for Diabetes, Endocrinology, and Metabolism
- Advanced Laser Spectroscopy to detect falsified vaccines
- Kavli INsD Researchers' Breakthrough Unveils Potential of Directly Combining Native Mass Spectrometry and Cryo-EM
- K.R.E.D: Third Generation Approaches of Antibody Discovery and Optimisation
- K.R.E.D: Decisions Between the ER Retention and Exit of Aberrant Proteins, and Links between ERAD and Human Disease
- Biological Physics Seminars 2023/2024
- Biological Physics Seminars 2023/2024
- Weston Struwe Appointed as Associate Professor of Cellular and Molecular Biochemistry and Tutorial Fellow at Worcester College
- Kavli Award Lecture 2023 - Dame Kate Bingham
- Kavli INsD announces first seed-funding awarded to innovative and collaborative interdisciplinary projects proposed by early career researchers
- New academic year, round 7 of Kavli INsD ‘3-min researcher updates’ and still going strong.
- BBSRC Pioneer Award and MRC Career Development Fellowship recognise Dr Mootaz Salman's Research in Neurodegeneration and Brain Waste Clearance
- Sleeping Habits of Chinstrap Penguins: A Unique Adaptation Revealed
- Researchers develop a blood test to identify individuals at risk of developing Parkinson’s disease
- Celebrating Festive Science: Kavli Oxford Researcher Secures 2nd Place
- Kavli Oxford Hosts 2nd Lecture Award: Dame Kate Bingham Recognised for Outstanding Contributions
- Kavli Oxford Concludes Term with Three Inspiring KRED Talks
- Inaugural Meeting of Kavli INsD, Oxford’s Scientific Advisory Board
- Kavli Research & Enterprise Discussions (K.R.E.D) - Rainer Kaufmann
- Molly Stevens has been Appointed Dame Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (DBE) for Services to Medicine
- Works in Progress Seminars - Ion Channels and Transporters
- Works in Progress: Inaugural Meeting of Ion Channels and Transporters Interest Group Sparks Collaboration and Knowledge Exchange
- Professor Nynke Dekker joins Kavli Oxford
- Vlad Vyazovskiy to Lead Pioneering Gordon Research Conference on Psychedelic Neurobiology
- Two Accolades for MRC Career Development Fellow, Mootaz Salman
- Nynke Dekker
- Kavli Research & Enterprise Discussions (K.R.E.D)
- Works in Progress: Ion Channels and Transporters
- Repurposing Rapid Diagnostic Tests for Detecting Falsified Vaccines
- International Women's Day 2024 Talk: Dr Samantha Hiew
- On we go into 2024 and round 8 of Kavli INsD short research presentations continue
- Report Makes Recommendations to Remove Interdisciplinary Research Barriers
- Oxford's Kavli Institute for NanoScience Discovery: Use of cookies on this website
- Professor Dame Molly Stevens Appointed Academic Champion for Women and Diversity in Entrepreneurship
- New Trial to Study How the Human Immune System Adapts to ‘Tolerate’ Malaria Parasites
- Kavli Research & Enterprise Discussions (K.R.E.D)
- Online Panel Discission - Integrating Communication and Engagement into your Scientific Career
- Professor Dame Molly Stevens is awarded the Novo Nordisk Prize
- Street Party 2024
- Congratulations to Kavli Oxford’s Victor (Shijun) Yan on Receiving the Goodger and Schorstein Scholarship
- Yin Chun Cheng, Vincent Awarded Fellowship from the National Ataxia Foundation
- RSC Centenary Prize Lecture presented by Prof Mark Grinstaff from Boston University
- Success in Vice-Chancellor’s Awards - 2024
- Novel techniques to screen for contaminants in medicinal syrups which have recently led to the death of hundreds of children
- Kavli Foundation, U.S.A Engages with Kavli INsD Oxford in Productive Visit
- Mootaz Salman Awarded Inaugural ALBA-Roche Research Prize for Excellence in Neuroscience
- Kavli Oxford's Jan Christoph Thiele Selected as Eric and Wendy Schmidt AI in Science Postdoctoral Fellow
- ARUK Thames Valley Pilot Project Award 2024: Investigating Brain Protein Pathways in Dementia Research
- Kavli INsD Director Receives Honorary Doctorate from the University of Cambridge
- Dominika Gruszka and Lars Jansen Receive Wellcome Trust Discovery Award
- Professor Dame Carol Robinson Wins the Lifetime Achievement Category at the European Inventor Award
- Have You Seen Our January Publications?
- New Oxford Quantum Hub to Tackle Key Challenges in Quantum Technologies
- Kavli INsD, Oxford, Welcomes Stevens Group Members to the Tradition of 3-minute Research Presentations
- Glymphatic Dysfunction as a Driver of Alzheimer’s Disease: Moving Past the Hype
- Novel Approaches to Identify Substandard and Falsified Medicines Presented by Yohan Arman to the Indonesian Food and Drug Authority
- Writing a Narrative CV Workshop
- Professor Dame Molly Stevens Among Five Oxford Scientists Honoured with Royal Society Awards
- Novel Method to Detect Fake Vaccines Using Mass Spectrometry
- Kavli Research & Enterprise Discussions (K.R.E.D)
- Professor Vladyslav Vyazovskiy speaks at Braemar Summit 2024
- Treatments for Pain can be Addictive – But This Research Could Change That
- Angela Minassian
- Kavli Oxford's Nick Gatford Wins Image of Distinction Award in Nikon Small World Competition
- Professor Achillefs Kapanidis Awarded IOI Synergy Grant
- Kavli Oxford Labs Strengthen Commitment to Sustainability with New Awards
- 17th Unither Baruch Blumberg Lecture
- Kavli Oxford PI Elena Seiradake Awarded ERC Synergy Grant for Cancer Research
- Kavli Oxford Lecture Award 2024
- 2025 Application Round for Oxford D. Phil. in Biological Physics
- Two Kavli Oxford Postdocs Awarded Wellcome Early Career Fellowships
- Techniques to Determine Contamination of Medical Syrups Discussed at the Medicine Quality Meeting
- Kavli Oxford Researcher Hafez El Sayyed Leads Oxford Team in iGEM Competition
- Novel Diagnostic Biomarkers for Fatty Liver Disease Presented in Oxford Town Hall
- 2025 Application Round for Fellows in Oxford Biological Physics
- Becky Carlyle Co-Leads New Alzheimer’s Disease Research Project at the IMCM
- The Kavli Oxford Lecture Award 2024 Recognises Regina E. Dugan for Breakthroughs in Human Health Innovation
- Kavli Oxford Lecture Awards
- Trial Results for First Vaccine Against Blood-Stage Malaria Show It Is Well-Tolerated and Offers Effective Protection
- Kavli Research & Enterprise Discussions (K.R.E.D)
- Behind the Paper
- Sean Burnap Awarded Wellcome Early Career Award for Research on Filovirus-Host Interactions
- Organisational Development Team
- A Multidisciplinary Team of Scientists Aims to Solve the Mystery of Magnetoreception
- OptiViVax Launches a First-in-kind Clinical Trial on Relapsing Malaria
- Support Us
- Identifying Fake Covid-19 Vaccines by Analysing Vial Labels and Vaccine Liquids
- Single Cell Single Molecule Symposium 2025 at the Kavli Institute for Nanoscience Discovery
- Kavli Research & Enterprise Discussions (K.R.E.D)