Kavli INsD Director, Professor Carol Robinson Receives Two Awards

Kavli Institute for Nanoscience Discovery’s first Director, Professor Dame Carol Robinson has been awarded a prestigious 2022 Louis-Jeantet Prize for Medicine and the Benjamin Franklin Medal in Chemistry.

Professor Robinson credited her research group and colleagues, and said, “these are very much team awards - with contribution from many great group members, colleagues, and collaborators”. Business and Innovation Magazine recently published about Dame Carol and her Laboratory.

She has been awarded the prestigious 2022 Louis-Jeantet Prizes for Medicine for establishing mass spectrometry as a rigorous method to analyse the composition of protein complexes, and their interactions with small molecules. Professor Robinson receives the award alongside Uğur ŞAHIN and Özlem TÜRECI and Katalin KARIKÓ who share the 2022 Jeantet-Collen Prize for Translational Medicine for the design and development of mRNA-based vaccines that safely protect humankind against the deadly SARS-CoV-2 virus.

The Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, U.S A is honouring 13 people for achievement in science and business. The Benjamin Franklin Institute medal in Chemistry  is to be awarded to Professor Robinson at a ceremony in May 2022. The award recognises her work in developing techniques for analysing interactions of biological molecules such as proteins and lipids, thus elucidating their biological functions and assisting in pharmaceutical discovery.

Since April 2021, Oxford University's KAVLI Institute for Nanoscience Discovery is proudly serving as a hub for research groups from seven different departments spanning both the medical and physical sciences, including Professor Carol Robinson's Group from the Department of Chemistry.

Black and White headshot picture of Professor Dame Carol Robinson