Alzheimer’s Research UK Visited the Carlyle and Wade-Martins Labs

On Thursday 20th April, the Carlyle and Wade-Martins labs were delighted to receive a visit from two of Alzheimer’s Research UK’s most prolific volunteer fundraisers and public speakers, David Ensor and Sue Granshaw and by Jess Jenkin’s, ARUK’s regional fundraising officer for our area.  The tour, led by Dr Becky Carlyle, Departmental Research Lecturer & Alzheimer's Research UK Senior Research Fellow, offered them an informative and enlightening insight into just where their important fundraising money goes, giving our visitors a unique chance to witness demonstrations of state-of -the-art equipment, and ask questions about the current state of research into Alzheimer’s Disease. The tour was a team effort, with Laura Pearson, Visiting Undergraduate student, Victoria Lievens, Visiting Masters student, and Sarah Pearce, Research Manager, all giving excellent equipment demonstrations.



We were joined for lunch and talks by three ARUK Thames Valley Local Network Pilot Award winners:  Sarah Bauermeister, Senior Scientist from the Dementias Platform UK (Psychiatry), Yvonne Crouch, ARUK fellow (RDM), and Oliver Kohl, DPhil student in Psychiatry who were all able to share details of their ARUK-funded research projects, and we shared our experience of the importance of pilot funding in building sustainable lab finances.


The relationship between those people affected by dementia and the work they do to raise funds for this vital research is a hugely important one.  This sharing of knowledge and real life stories gives a great sense of purpose on both sides to continue the perpetual fight against this devastating and complex disease.

Becky Carlyle giving the tour to the Alzheimer’s Research UK


Sarah Pearce giving the tour to the Alzheimer’s Research UK


Since April 2021, Oxford University's KAVLI Institute for Nanoscience Discovery is proudly serving as a hub for research groups from seven different departments spanning both the medical and physical sciences, including Professor Richard Wade-Martins from the Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics.