Combining precise chemical information from mass spectrometry (MS) with high-resolution imaging methods like electron microscopy (cryoEM, TEM) or scanning probe microscopy (AFM, STM) pushes the frontiers and scope of chemical and structural analysis to atomic resolution of individual complex molecules.
This workshop meeting brings together an emerging community of scientists from analytical, preparative, and native mass spectrometry, molecular electron microscopy and scanning probe microscopy to explore the possibilities and challenges of the novel approaches at the frontier of native mass spectrometry and single-molecule imaging.
The conference handle, MS+M_22, stands for Mass Spectrometry plus Microscopy, expressing the vision that this sum is greater than its parts.
Sunday, August 14, 2022 |
Arrival and get-together mixer |
Monday, August 15, 2022 |
Oral sessions and poster session |
Tuesday, August 16, 2022 |
Oral sessions and excursion |
Wednesday, August 17, 2022 |
Oral sessions and conference Dinner |
Thursday, August 18, 2022 |
Departure |
Session Topics:
Each oral session will be led by one or two keynote talks (30 mins) outlining the achievements and challenges of the topic, accompanied by several invited and contributed lectures.
Invited Speakers:
Yifan Cheng University of California-San Francisco
Carol Robinson Oxford University
Brian Chait Rockefeller University
Albert Heck Utrech University
Alexander Makarov Thermo Fisher Scientific
Michal Sharon Weizmann Institute of Science
Andrea Sinz Martin Luther University
Frank Sobott University of Leeds
Vicki Wysocki Ohio State University
Pilar Cossio Flatiron Institute
Tim Grant University of Wisconsin–Madison
Leonard Grill University of Graz
Tatijana Latychevskaya Paul Scherrer Institute
Alex Noble New York Structural Biology Center
Hannah Ochner Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research
Christopher Russo MRC Laboratory, Cambridge University
Xu Wu Chinese Academy of Science
Ying Jiang Bejing University
Kelvin Anggara Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research
Perdita Barran University of Manchester
Johannes Barth, Andreas Walz Technical University Munich*
David Clemmer Indiana University
Julia Laskin Purdue University
Tim Esser Oxford University
Brandon Ruotolo University of Michigan
Michael Westphall University of Wisconsin–Madison
* invited - not confirmed
To register please follow the link to the Webshop of the University of Oxford.