Kavli Award Lecture 2023 - Dame Kate Bingham

Kavli Award Lecture 2023 - Dame Kate Bingham


We hope that you will be able to join us on the 5th of December 2023 at 16h00 for the second Kavli Award Lecture that will be given by Dame Kate Bingham, managing partner at a venture capital firm, SV Health Investors.


kavli award lecture banner - Kate Bingham


Dame Kate is a former Department of Biochemistry at Oxford student. She has spent 30 years building and investing in biotech companies as Managing Partner at SV Health Investors, one of the longest tenured biotechnology investors globally. These investments have resulted in the launch of 24 new innovative drugs including 6 new drug classes each addressing a major unmet medical need. Kate played an active role in setting up the Dementia Discovery Fund in 2017, focused on developing novel drugs targeting new biological mechanisms to treat dementia.

In May 2020 Kate was appointed Chair of the UK Vaccine Taskforce, reporting to the Prime Minster to lead UK efforts to find and manufacture a COVID-19 vaccine. It was a six-month engagement and she stepped down as Chair in December 2020. On 8 December 2020 the UK started COVID-19 vaccinations – the first western country to do so. She serves on the board of the Francis Crick Institute and ARIA.


Dame Kate's lecture is entitled "Harnessing Scientific Innovation to Benefit Patients"



A drinks reception will follow the lecture.

This internal event is for Oxford staff only

For the in-person event, booking via Google Forms is essential as seats are limited to 190.


A zoom link will also be shared next week for our members who would like to join online instead.


We look forward to seeing you.